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university of tampa coaching staff

Building: PH TECH Building: Mailbox: F dhayles@ut.edu, Assistant Shift Supervisor, Campus Safety, Tel: Email: Mailbox: 73F alishamiles@ut.edu, Tel: (813) 257-3794 (813) 258-7452 (813) 257-3277 Mailbox: 25F Mailbox: 6F Building: smoradiellos@ut.edu, Coordinator of Student Competency Development Programs, Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, Tel: TECH (813) 258-7456 (813) 257-3673 VAUGH Building: jgalzerano@ut.edu, Tel: (813) 253-6241 (813) 257-3021 Mailbox: 17F SFB Building: Mailbox: 73F Building: (813) 257-3088 Email: VAUG Email: Room: 172F Mailbox: F Room: 203 TECH Mailbox: 6F Building: Building: Room: 208 Building: (813) 257-3082 Mailbox: 25F bjordan@ut.edu, Spartan Card Coordinator, Business Services, Tel: Room: 147 mwhite@ut.edu, Senior Cybersecurity Systems Engineer, ITS Information Security, Tel: Email: Building: (813) 257-3364 Email: (813) 253-3051 (813) 257-3080 Email: (813) 257-3932 Email: Room: 180 (813) 253-6250 The Head Coach of the University of Tampa Women's Soccer program is Erin Switalski. Email: Building: (813) 253-6214 Building: (813) 257-1764 Email: Mailbox: E kallgeier@ut.edu, Intermediate Network Engineer, Information Technology and Security, Tel: eortiz@ut.edu, Tel: Building: SFB The 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season was the franchise's first season in the National Football League (NFL). Building: Mailbox: F bimperiale@ut.edu, Staff Assistant II, Development and University Relations, Tel: Building: jbrowne@ut.edu, Tel: ICB Building: Email: SFB HC Email: Room: 229 Email: ICB Room: 105 Building: Email: Mailbox: I Mailbox: 00015 Coaching focuses on personal development, time management, goal setting, motivation, study skills, resource connection and campus engagement. (813) 257-5757 Email: (813) 257-3268 PH Building: Phone: 813-257-3190 mharnischfeger@ut.edu, Tel: nmurray@ut.edu, Assistant Director of Enterprise Solutions, Information Technology and Security, Tel: Building: HC PH Building: ldittmar@ut.edu, Coordinator of Academic Information and Analysis, Provost's Office, Tel: (813) 258-7303 bdonaldson@ut.edu, Tel: Email: amedal@ut.edu, Tel: Email: Email: (813) 257-3057 Email: Building: Building: Mailbox: B (813) 257-3328 Room: 308 PH Building: mtparks@ut.edu, Tel: TECH (813) 257-3054 Mailbox: 34F Email: Mailbox: 104F Room: 612 (813) 257-3345 Tsimpson@els.edu, Tel: TB Email: HC nvattovaz@ut.edu, Tel: Building: (813) 257-3056 Mailbox: 76F Mailbox: F Building: PH Mailbox: N Mailbox: 17F Mailbox: 17F Room: 215G (813) 257-3060 Email: LIB Email: VC Room: 141 Email: TB Room: 807 Building: Room: 617 Building: Building: (813) 257-5059 Email: Room: 101 Building: skendall@ut.edu, Senior Development Officer, Planned Giving; Development and University Relations, Tel: Mailbox: F (813) 257-3508 Mailbox: F Building: Building: Room: 372A Email: Email: Mailbox: F Email: (813) 257-3813 (813) 257-3190 (813) 257-3550 Building: Room: 202B mbattista@ut.edu, Tel: Building: Room: 120 Mailbox: E Building: Building: Email: TECH Email: Building: cburns@els.edu, Tel: Room: Second Floor Camp Staff. TECH Email: Email: Email: (813) 257-3729 Email: Email: (813) 257-3827 Mailbox: C Mailbox: 76F Room: 172G SFB PH Email: Email: Room: 257 (813) 257-3168 Building: (813) 257-3645 Building: Petersburg, Florida Area. Building: (813) 257-7777 Room: 129 JS VC Building: (813) 257-3053 emayer@ut.edu, Recruiting Operations Officer, Military Science, Tel: VAUG Mailbox: I Mailbox: 116F Building: trichards@ut.edu, Tel: (813) 257-7777 Room: 219 Jun 2016 - Jul 20204 years 2 months. Mailbox: I PH Mailbox: 56F (813) 257-3693 Building: (813) 257-7777 (813) 257-3059 TECH ICB Room: 264 bkwasnik@ut.edu, Tel: Building: LEO, Fla. - The futures of dozens of St. Leo University student-athletes and coaches are up in the air after the school announced this week it's cutting four sports teams amid a series of cost-savings decisions. Email: Email: Room: 160 Associate Head Coach. Room: 428 Building: Room: 254 Mailbox: 76F Room: 101 Email: Email: Room: 124 Email: Room: 427 (813) 257-3020 (813) 257-6332 pwashington@ut.edu, Financial Aid Assistant, Part-time, Financial Aid, Tel: Email: Room: 154 Room: Second Floor Building: jessicabutler@ut.edu, Staff Assistant I, Graduate and Continuing Studies, Tel: TECH Mailbox: 17F Building: Building: Building: Mailbox: 70F Email: (813) 253-6264 Mailbox: 2F Building: (813) 257-3389 Mailbox: I Email: Room: Second Floor Email: Email: mvraspir@ut.edu, Coordinator of College of Business Operations, College of Business, Tel: Mailbox: N GHS jscaia@ut.edu, Tel: Mailbox: F mloregnard@ut.edu, Tel: TECH Building: SFB Room: 213 Building: Thursday: 9 - 11:30 a.m., 12:30 - 6 p.m., and 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Friday: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Drop-in sessions are held in person at the Academic Success Center, Second Floor of the Technology Building.) Room: 203 Email: (813) 258-7301 Email: (813) 257-7130 (813) 257-3340 Email: Building: TECH Phone: 813-257-3781 mpelaez@ut.edu, Associate Provost and Dean of Academic Services, Tel: Email: Building: Mailbox: 76F Email: Room: 117 Mailbox: H FIT Building: jphillips@ut.edu, Assistant Director, Graduate Admissions, Admissions for Graduate and Continuing Studies, Tel: Room: 237 ICB jclarke@ut.edu, Tel: Email: MAC Room: Second Floor (813) 258-3183 Building: TECH (813) 253-6203 Building: Building: SFB (813) 253-7274 Room: 164 MAC Building: [1] Dungy's teams became perennial postseason . Room: 163 Email: TECH Mailbox: 25F Email: Email: HC (813) 257-3623 SFB SFB (813) 257-3889 Mailbox: 104F Building: Building: Mailbox: D mlongmire@ut.edu, Development Officer, Major Gifts, Development and University Relations, Tel: xmcfadden@ut.edu, Library Technical Assistant, Government Documents, Library, Tel: Building: Mailbox: L Email: (813) 257-3088 (813) 257-3440 Giglio previously held the same role at the University . Mailbox: 116F PH SFB alberto.martinez@ut.edu, Administrative Assistant, College of Arts and Letters, Tel: Email: Building: jvelazquez@ut.edu, Service Desk Analyst, Academic Solutions, Information Technology and Security, Tel: (813) 257-3252 He coached the Panthers to Super Bowl XXXVIII and the . SFB Room: 161 Email: VAUG (813) 258-7445 cstorter@ut.edu, Tel: Building: Building: ICB rsullivan@ut.edu, Tel: Room: 203 Room: 225 crhodes@ut.edu, Assistant Provost and Assessment Coordinator for the QEP, Tel: (813) 257-3167 KRS Email: Building: Building: (813) 257-3691 Building: sspencer@ut.edu, Tel: Room: 173A Room: 173D Email: MAC ckukas@ut.edu, Digital Content Editor/Writer, Public Information and Publications, Tel: Email: amstewart@ut.edu, Tel: (813) 257-3958 Room: 213J Mailbox: P ddelrosario@ut.edu, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Counseling Services, Tel: (813) 257-3622 Mailbox: H Room: 237 Mailbox: W charleswright@ut.edu, Tel: kkarant@ut.edu, International Student Advisor, ELS Language Center, Tel: Email: Building: KRS Mailbox: N PH Mailbox: 91 dwhite@ut.edu, Director of Workday Solutions, Information Technology and Security, Tel: Mailbox: I Building: It is set to start at 5:00 AM on Day 1 and end at 12:00 PM on Day 4. . Building: PH (813) 253-6250 LIB Building: acecchetti@ut.edu, Language Lab Specialist, Languages and Linguistics, Tel: Building: Mailbox: 104F Building: jsantiago@ut.edu, Mailbox: 62F Mailbox: 17F MAC Building: Room: 202 (813) 257-7532 Cass PH

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university of tampa coaching staff